“Art is life…”
I do senior, family, wedding, engagemnet and graduation portraits to capture those memores for a lifetime.
Lets capture your beautiful bump, grabbing a little snapsnap for your memories before your baby arrives.
A photo shoot to capture the essence of your products, that helps you share your products with the world.
– Portrait (the price depend on the number of people and the size and materials)- Landscape or still life (Like the client demands)- Private Classes and workshops in ART.- Murals (indoor and outdoor).- Art Consultant.- Story Board- Frame by Frame drawings- Graphic Design- Other art works and projects. Pricing– Paintings: Depend on the number of persons, materials, size.- Storyboard and Frame by Frame: Depend on the size and the materials and number of frames.- Murals: Depend on the size of the wall and the materials.- Graphic Design: Depend on type of work, printout and materials details.- Books: Depend on the size and the materials.- Art Consultant: Depend on the duration. To ORDER A COMMISSION OR BUY ARTWORKS contact directly the artist: info@zaherbizri.com Personalities, which bought the artist’s work: – Archbishop Elias Awda. – Minister and MP Mrs. Bahia Hariri.- Minister Adnan Kassar (General Manager of Fransabank). – Mr. Ruffley Debaneh (The Italian Consulate – Debaneh Co.). – Mrs. Laure de Hauteville (MENASART Fair). – Municipality of Aley – Mount Lebanon. – Municipality of Abey – Mount Lebanon.- The National Military Museum, Damascus (Syria). – The Cerf Volant International Festival.- Hariri Foundation.- Makassed Association of Saida.- My artworks are spread in: France, England, USA, Syria, Lebanon. |