Meeting with fourth-grade students at Hossam Eddine Hariri High School
يُعدُّ الفنّ مكوّنًا أساسيًّا من مكوّنات الثّقافة الإنسانيّة وجسرًا للتّواصل يلامس الرّوح ويخاطب الفكر، وهو عابرٌ لحدود اللّغات وفي علاقة تكامليّة مع القضايا الاجتماعيّة. وبناء على ماتقدّم وفي إطار العمل على محور “كيف نعبّر عن أنفسنا” ، استضاف متعلّمو الصّف الرّابع الأساسيّ بفرعيه الانكليزي والفرنسي، الفنان التّشكيلي والنّاشط الثّقافي الزّميل الأستاذ “زاهر البزري” بهدف الاطّلاع على فلسفته ورسالته الفنيّة الثّقافيّة.
استهلّ الفنّان لقاءه بعرض باكورة إبداعاته من لوحاتٍ ورسوماتٍ جمعت بين الأسلوب التّجريدي والتّعبيري والواقعي. وعبّر من خلالها عن هموم النّاس وهواجسهم. ولقد كان لمدينة صيدا حضورٌ كبيرٌ في إنتاجه الفنيّ، لما تتميّز به من تآلف تاريخي واجتماعي وعاطفي، ولقد حرص على تجسيد عاداتها وتراثها المفعم بالأصالة والعراقة. ذلك كلّه، أثار فضول متعلّمينا الصّغار وأيقظ مهارة التّساؤل لديهم، فطرحوا العديد من الأسئلة المعمّقة الّتي ساعدتهم على إدراك العلاقة بين الفن والمجتمع، وفهم دور الفنّان في محاكاة قضايا المجتمع المحليّة والعالميّة لإحداث تغيير ايجابيّ نحو الأفضل.
عبير نصّار

Art is an essential component of human culture and a bridge of communication that touches the soul and addresses the mind. It crosses the boundaries of languages and is in a complementary relationship with social issues. Based on the above, and within the framework of working on the axis of “How do we express ourselves,” the students of the fourth grade of basic education in the English and French branches hosted fellow visual artist and cultural activist, Mr.“Zaher El-Bizri,” about his artistic cultural message.
The artist began his meeting by displaying his first creations of paintings and drawings that combined abstract, expressive, and realistic styles. Through it, he expressed people’s concerns and concerns. The city of Sidon had a major presence in his artistic production, due to its historical, social, and emotional harmony, and he was keen to embody its customs and heritage, which are full of authenticity and nobility. All of this aroused the curiosity of our young learners and awakened their questioning skills. They asked many in-depth questions that helped them realize the relationship between art and society, and understand the role of the artist in simulating local and global societal issues to bring about positive change for the better.
Abeer Nassar ( Arabic teacher at Houssam Eddine Hariri High School Saida Lebanon)
The artist began his meeting by displaying his first creations of paintings and drawings that combined abstract, expressive, and realistic styles. Through it, he expressed people’s concerns and concerns. The city of Sidon had a major presence in his artistic production, due to its historical, social, and emotional harmony, and he was keen to embody its customs and heritage, which are full of authenticity and nobility. All of this aroused the curiosity of our young learners and awakened their questioning skills. They asked many in-depth questions that helped them realize the relationship between art and society, and understand the role of the artist in simulating local and global societal issues to bring about positive change for the better.
Abeer Nassar ( Arabic teacher at Houssam Eddine Hariri High School Saida Lebanon)