27 june 2024
مشاركتي في المعرض الجماعي في متحف الاثار في الجامعة الاميركية في بيروت بمشاركة تنظيمية مع جمعية الفنانين للرسم والنحت
My contribution to this collective exhibition at the Archaeological Museum at the American University of Beirut.
Ma contribution à cette exposition collective au Musée Archéologique de l’Université Américaine de Beyrouth.
Category: Exhibitions
Doha Exhibition
Imanart Gallery and the Lebanese Artists Association LAAPS
organized a collective exhibition titled “the Lebanese Artistry Unbound” at Pullman Hotel Doha, Qatar, from May 5, 2024 till June 2024.
Qatar Expo 2023
مشاركتي في معرض خاص بالجناح اللبناني في معرض الدوحة ٢٠٢٣ Qatar Expo 2023 بالتعاون مع iman Art والسفارة اللبنانية في قطر و جمعية الفنانين اللبنانيين للرسم والنحت.
My participation in a special exhibition in the Lebanese pavilion at Qatar Expo 2023, in cooperation with iman Art, the Lebanese Embassy in Qatar, and the Lebanese Artists Association for Painting and Sculpture.
LAAPS #zaherbizri #expoqatar2023
Exhibition at Hagazian University Beirut
Exhibition at Hagazian University Beirut
Participation in the National Day of Lebanese Art Exhibition المشاركة في معرض اليوم الوطني للفن التشكيلي اللبناني
I participated in the National Day of Lebanese Plastic Art organized by the Association of Lebanese Artists for Painting and Sculpture and the Syndicate of Lebanese Plastic Artists under the auspices of the Lebanese Ministry of Culture at the UNESCO Palace in Beirut, on February 25 until March 2, 2022 through the painting “A Bullet in the Window”.
What we are witnessing of conflicts in politics, the economy and wars in several places in the world, and what we witnessed in Lebanon from the explosion of the port to the economic and social situation…. and the attack on nature and man, it was necessary to struggle with ideas and symbols and their reflection on the window glass…
The exhibition “Leaves and leaves in the wind” inaugurated at the Royal Gardens of Venice: protagonists 500 children ambassadors of peace
An exhibition of all the works participating in the Venice Beirut project was held by artists and students in the wonderful Italian city of Venice, in the presence of a number of artists and students. This morning about two hundred of the young students involved in the initiative, together with their teachers, took part in the inauguration of the exhibition, in the presence of the president of the municipal council Ermelinda Damiano, the councilor for the environment Massimiliano De Martin, the patriarch of Venice Francesco Moraglia. Also present were Adele Re Rebaudengo, president of the Venice Gardens Foundation, the honorary consul of Lebanon in Venice, Youssef Mhanna, the councilor for the school of the Municipality of Cavallino Treporti Alberto Ballarin and the creator of the project Nadia De Lazzari.
Venice Exhibition
Now an exhibition of our artworks during the project “Beirut&Venice” at Saint Mark Square in Venice Italy … and press conference and deliver the artworks to Venice Schools. معرض للاعمال المشاركة في مشروع “بيروت وفينيسيا (البندقية)” و مؤتمر صحفي و منح الاعمال الى مدارس في مدينة البندقية ايطاليا …. https://youtu.be/mLM6fihHTIY?fbclid=IwAR0HP6gn1RvI-6guBP7ml_7gA2fihxsqTMDdhPz4P0tgWXWrf0DeQutUQ3o Links to articles published on […]
Arab Fine Arts Festival
I participated in the Arab Fine Arts Festival an online exhibition organized by the International Orac Association. المشاركة في المعرض الافتراضي للمهرجان الفن التشكيلي العربي من تنظيم مؤسسة اوروك العالمية Recent News Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on email Email
The 2nd SOLO Exhibition
Opening of my 2nd SOLO exhibition at the Yacht Club, Zaytouna Bay, Beirut, organized by Orphan Welfare Society Saida, 17 – 18 November 2016. افتتاح معرضي الفردي الثاني في نادي اليخوت في بيروت الذي يعود ريعه لجمعية رعاية اليتيم في صيدا، بحضور العديد من الفعاليات الصيداوية واللبنانية ومنهم النائب بهية الحريري، النائب الدكتور ميشال موسى، […]
During the AUB BYBLOS BANK PROLITKULT ART exhibition. معرض بروليكالت في الجامعة الاميركيى في بيروت برعاية بنك بيبلوس، وذلك خلال اطلاق صالة العرض الفنون التشكيلية الجديدة داخل الجامعة. Recent News Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on email Email
Symposium the Sea Castle of Saida
Symposium the Sea Castle of Saida I organized with Nisrine Shbib a symposium in the sea castle of the city of Saida (South Lebanon), where I invited 140 artists from Lebanon, Syria and Iraq to draw in open air, and exchange experiences and styles between artists. And after the symposium we exhibited the paintings at […]
Ramadan Event
Ramadan Event I organized with Mr. Mustafa Habli (the Future Scout) and participated in Ramadan Event where I designed a Crescent decoration celebrating the Eid in a live performance in Saida, Lebanon. تنظيم بالتعاون مع الاستاذ مصطفى حبلي وكشافة المستقبل، حيث شاركت في نشاط شهر رمضان المبارك بمناسبة حلول عيد الفطر من خلال تصميم ورسم […]
The Second Watercolor Exhibition
The Second Watercolor Exhibition The Second Watercolor Exhibition organized by The Lebanese artists association LAAPS, for 13 Lebanese watercolorists, in the LAAPS Hall, Beirut Lebanon. A printout catalogue for the artists and the artworks exhibited. المعرض الثاني للألوان المائية من تنظيم جمعية الفنانين اللبنانيين للرسم والنحت في قاعة الجمعية في بيروت، لبنان. حيث شارك 13 […]
The Lebanese Independence Day Exhibition
The Lebanese Independence Day Exhibition I organized with cooperation of the Hariri Foundation and The School Network of Saida a collective exhibition for 50 Lebanese artists at Khan Al Efranj, Saida, South Lebanon. نظمت بالتعاون مع مؤسسة الحريري للتنمية المستدامة والشبكة المدرسية لصيدا والجوار معرض تشكيلي جماعي ل50 فنان لبناني في خان الافرنج في صيدا، […]
Limitless Creativity Exhibition
Limitless Creativity Exhibition A collective of 30 Lebanese contemporary artists in Tyre at Beit Al Madinah Hall organized by FloukArt and Mrs Rola Osseiran. مشاركتي في معرض جماعي يضم 30 فنان لبناني معاصر في مدينة صور في مركز بيت المدينة من تنظيم السيدة رولا عسيران و جمعية فولكارت . with Artists Nabil Richani and Lamia […]
A mural with Blue Mission Association for Peace
A mural with Blue Mission Association for Peace Participated with Blue Mission Association in firing a cry for peace and end wars via a mural representing Lebanon in the World Week of Peace in South Korea. المشاركة مع جمعية الرسالة الزرقاء في اطلاق من بلدية صيدا صرخة السلام وإنهاء الحروب بمناسبة إختيارها لتمثيل لبنان في […]
The Opening of the honoring exhibition of the late artist Fouad Jaouhar
The Opening of the honoring exhibition of the late artist Fouad Jaouhar خلال افتتاح المعرض التكريمي للفنان الراحل فؤاد جوهر: “بعد النشيد الوطني اللبناني والوقوف دقيقة صمت تحية لروح الراحل ، تحدث منسق المعرض الفنان زاهر البزري فقال :نحتفل اليوم بتكريم علم من أعلام مدينتنا صيدا الذي حملها في ألوان جدران قلبه وفي وجدان حنين […]
Symposium Khan El Efranj for the depature of the artist Fouad Jaouhar
Symposium Khan El Efranj for the depature of the artist Fouad Jaouhar Symposium Khan El Efranj for the depature of the artist Fouad Jaouhar, with the participation of many artists. And many interview for the press (Al Mustaqbal Newspaper, Al Liwaa Newspaper, Future TV) سمبوزيم خان الافرنج لمناسبة رحيل الفنان فؤاد جوهر بمشاركة عدد […]
Exhibit at MIAMI, Florida, US
My artwork “Missi, watercolors on paper” displayed at ART TAKES MIAMI BEACH, USA, and in the book. عرضت عمل ألوان مائية على ورق بعنوان “ميسي”، في مدينة ميامي، الولايات المتحدة الاميركية، وكذلك تم وضع العمل في كتاب خاص بالفنانين المشاركين، كما انني الفنان اللبناني الوحيد الذي تم قبول اعماله وعرضها. Recent News
The First Arab Fine Arts Festival
The First Arab Fine Arts Festival in the 20th of November 2013 at Royal Hotel, organized by Iraqi Artist Dr Thamer Alnasiri and the in cooperation with Jordanian Plastic Artists Association. مهرجان الفن التشكيلي العربي الأول من تنظيم الفنان العراقي ثامر الناصري و جمعية الفنانين الاردنيين ، المهرجان التشكيلي العربي الاول المقام في فندق رويال […]
The Visual Art Forum IV the Lebanese Contemporary Art
The Visual Art Forum IV the Lebanese Contemporary Art 17 October 2013 The Visual Art Forum IV the Lebanese Contemporary Art – A collective exhibition for the Lebanese Artists organized by the Lebanese Artists Association LAAPS. (the exhibition travel to Tripoli, North Lebanon, at Beit Al Fan). معرض جماعي لفنانين اللبنانيين والذي يحتوي الحركة الفنية […]
Artist Takes Times Square NYC
Artist Takes Times Square NYC 18 June 2012 An international art competition and digital exhibition Art Takes Times Square New York City where the winners their artworks displayed in a giant screens in a big event.Demonstration, acrylic on canvas, 100x150cm, 2011, Private collection.In the 4th of August 2020, the painting damaged by Beirut blast and […]