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Participation in the National Day of Lebanese Art Exhibition المشاركة في معرض اليوم الوطني للفن التشكيلي اللبناني

I participated in the National Day of Lebanese Plastic Art organized by the Association of Lebanese Artists for Painting and Sculpture and the Syndicate of Lebanese Plastic Artists under the auspices of the Lebanese Ministry of Culture at the UNESCO Palace in Beirut, on February 25 until March 2, 2022 through the painting “A Bullet in the Window”.
What we are witnessing of conflicts in politics, the economy and wars in several places in the world, and what we witnessed in Lebanon from the explosion of the port to the economic and social situation…. and the attack on nature and man, it was necessary to struggle with ideas and symbols and their reflection on the window glass…

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The Last Dance

Congratulations Dana Bizri … I’m so proud to be part of “The Last Dance” animation short film …participating in Beirut Shorts International Film Festival

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The exhibition “Leaves and leaves in the wind” inaugurated at the Royal Gardens of Venice: protagonists 500 children ambassadors of peace

An exhibition of all the works participating in the Venice Beirut project was held by artists and students in the wonderful Italian city of Venice, in the presence of a number of artists and students. This morning about two hundred of the young students involved in the initiative, together with their teachers, took part in the inauguration of the exhibition, in the presence of the president of the municipal council Ermelinda Damiano, the councilor for the environment Massimiliano De Martin, the patriarch of Venice Francesco Moraglia. Also present were Adele Re Rebaudengo, president of the Venice Gardens Foundation, the honorary consul of Lebanon in Venice, Youssef Mhanna, the councilor for the school of the Municipality of Cavallino Treporti Alberto Ballarin and the creator of the project Nadia De Lazzari.

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AVSI and Blue Mission

My participation in the project to support students in public schools “#Back_to_the_road_to_study” was organized by AVSI Association and Al-Raslo Al-Zarqa Association. Where I tried to introduce some basics of art, coloring, and dimensions, and there were a lot of wonderful young talents that could produce artists in the future.

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Venice October Exhbition

Venice Gardens Foundation hosts children at the Royal Gardens, “Leaves and leaves in the wind, Venice – Beirut” project

The exhibition “Leaves and leaves in the wind, Venice – Beirut” by the Venice association will be inaugurated on 12 October in the splendid Royal Gardens of Venice: Pesce di Pace in collaboration with the Venice Gardens Foundation, in the program of Venice 1600 and the Festival Sviluppo Sustainable.

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Venice Exhibition

Now an exhibition of our artworks during the project “Beirut&Venice” at Saint Mark Square in Venice Italy … and press conference and deliver the artworks

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Animation for new Book

for the author Mr. Ali Ezzeddine كتاب جديد للأطفال للكاتب والتربوي الأستاذ علي عز الدين حول اللغة العربية وتنوعها،”حروف و كلمات” من خلال كتابات بالخط

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Beirut and Venice Project

مشاركتي في العمل المشترك في مشروع “فينيسيا و بيروت” حيث رسمت رمز من الحضارة و التاريخ القلعة البحرية (ذات البعد الصليبي والاسلامي)… المشروع من تنظيم

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