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Visit Al Kayan International High School

كان لي شرف زيارة ثانوية الكيان الدولية، ولقاء المدير الرؤيوي الدكتور اسد الله همدر، والدكتور المتألق حيدر رز، والادارة العامة، حيث غمروني بحسن الاستقبال، وكل الشكر لاتاحة هذه الفرصة للاطلاع على مسيرة الكيان المتنورة، على امل المزيد من التقدم و الازدهار والتألق، واستمرار التعاون الثقافي والفني.
“I had the honor of visiting Al Kayan International High School and meeting the visionary director, Dr. Assadullah Hamdar, and the brilliant Dr. Haider Riz, along with the general administration. They welcomed me warmly, and I extend my gratitude for providing the opportunity to learn about the enlightened journey of the institution. Looking forward to further progress, prosperity, brilliance, and continued cultural and artistic collaboration.”
@kayaninthighschool #zaherbizri #watercolors #sketch #artist #artinlebanon #saida #culturalstreet #artinspiration

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Zodiak Media – Interview

The art of the oldest city, Sidon, is an attraction and inspiration for the artists and one of the experiences we had a chance to discuss with the street painter Mr. Zaher El-Bizri. His passion and his aim to paint and to visualize the remarkable legacy of the Sidon city in Lebanon. To transform authentic vibes of the city to the peace of art. Nowadays, everybody can do quick photos on the street and record the video from the spot. However, Zaher’s art is the tribute song to the values of the city, his legacy, and attachment to the beautiful inspiration for the youngsters. Watch the full episode on our storytelling platform.

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Gaza above more beautiful

#غزة_فوق_اجمل مع الاحبة والاعزاء، عائلات بأسرها شطبت من سجلات القيد، تلتقي في الجنان بالحب و السعادة و الامان …
#Gaza_Above_Ajmal Avec leurs proches et leurs êtres chers, des familles entières qui ont été radiées des registres d’enregistrement, ils se retrouvent au paradis avec amour, bonheur et sécurité…
#Gaza_Above_Ajmal With loved ones, and entire families who were removed from the registration records, they meet in heaven with love, happiness, and safety…
(Digital hand drawing)

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Iron Man

#Superheroes collection
We have grown up with the idea of ​​superheroes who fight to defend truth and goodness and to protect #children and humanity…. against evil… Where are you now regarding all the conflicts facing our children…
(Superhereos collection, Iron man, acrylic on canves,2022)
الابطال الخارقين، أين أنتم لقد كبرنا على فكرة الابطال الخارقين الذين يقاتلون دفاعا عن الحق والخير و لحماية الاطفال والإنسانية …. تجاه الشر … أين أنتم الان من كل الصراعات التي تواجه اطفالنا …
(مجموعة الابطال الخارقين، الرجل الفولاذي، اكريليك على قماش، ٢٠٢٢)
#comics #artsy #artistoninstagram #arte #protect_children #against_war #artoftheday #artlovers #childcare #artcollector #humanrights #ironman

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with Zaher Bizri

During the 1960’s, Saida witnessed floating theatre events and festivals. Why did it disappear? This panel will focus on how we can revive it again in a way that suits our time we are living in with all the current changes that we face every day. Zaher Bizri will go back to the history of the floating theatre: what was the idea behind it, who were the founders? What art and artists did it feature? What impact did it have on the people and the city? How was it planned, organized, and implemented, what were the communication skills they used back then to announce it? How did people know about it? What managerial skills did it require?

This panel moderated by Nahla Zibaoui took place in Saida at Ishbilia Theatre and Art Hub on July 14th, 2023.

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Rendez l’art libanais à tous les Libanais !

Alors que l’art au Liban semble être « dérobé » par les habitants francophones et anglophones de la scène beyrouthine, ArtEvolution, une initiative du Goethe-Institut, propose de démocratiser cet art, tant détenu par l’élite de la capitale. >>>

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لقاء استعادي لتاريخ المسرح العائم في صيدا خلال مهرجانات الربيع، التي قام بها الوالد المرحوم الفنان مهيب البزري في ظل عهد محافظ الجموب الاستاذ غالب الترك …
ادعوكم لمشاركتي اللقاء…
الدعوة عامة …
Talk on the floating theater during the spring festival in Saida city, produced by my loved father Mouhib El Bizri…
Public talk

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